Download odbc driver .dll

Use the steps in this section to download the Amazon Redshift ODBC drivers for Microsoft Windows operating systems. You should only use a driver other than 

List of dll files starting with o

Firebird ODBC driver. Contribute to FirebirdSQL/firebird-odbc-driver development by creating an account on GitHub.

Merant ODBC XML Driver Download - I wear a lot of hats developer, database administrator, help desk, etc. Access xml data like you would any standard database read, write, and update etc.

Overview of ODBC specification as the open standard application for accessing a database developed by Microsoft in partnership with Simba Technologies 1992

The current latest 32-bit version is driver/2.0.5-Release/Firebird_ODBC_2.0.5.156_Win32.exe/download

11 Dec 2006 This directory contains the PostgreSQL ODBC driver (psqlODBC) in a download the latest version. dll/ This directory contains the driver dll's  The jBASE ODBC Connector is an ODBC driver implementing the Open These run-time libraries can be downloaded from Microsoft and are supplied with the jodbc.dll jBASE ODBC driver library; libjODBCSetup.dll jBASE ODBC Setup  NET Data Provider for Data Sources that have ODBC driver support. It is recommended to use as Microsoft.Data.Odbc.dll as a separate download from MSDN  This document describes how to install the SQream ODBC driver (for 64 bit 64bit:  Vertica Downloads 9.3.x client driver checksums 9.3.x (TAR), ODBC, JDBC, Python, and vsql, Package contains both 32 and 64-Bit versions, NA, 01/14/20. 8 Feb 2017 I was having a similar issue and found the MSI installer for the ODBC driver here: Installed it on 

Download the ODBC driver from the ServiceNow Knowledge Base and install the ServiceNow strongly recommends using the server jvm.dll file from the Java 

You would then download and install any database specific ODBC drivers that you need. However times have changed and so has marketing. Download it from See Section 4.1.1, “Installing the Windows Connector/ODBC Driver Using an Installer” for additional details.